
Leveraging The Power of Partnerships

Agri Business Summit & Agri Awards

ABSA 2025

21st May 2025
HICC Novotel Hyderabad International Convention Centre
Hyderabad - India

Presented By


Title Sponsor


Award Categories

Women Creating Impact in Agriculture

Extraordinary women in agriculture in the fields, research, education, start ups, investments, corporates, administration, policy making, careers etc. who are trendsetters and are contributing to Indian Agriculture

Agri Implements / Farm Mechanization
  • From 55%, the labour availability in agriculture is expected to go down to 41% of the total workforce.
  • Selective mechanization & advanced Agri Implements is essential to increase agricultural productivity
  • Companies Researching and Manufacturing, location-specific, crop-specific and operation-specific improved Agri implements and farm mechanisation tools like improved hand tools, implements and machines for various farm operations.
Best Agri Management Institute
  • As agri chain is getting professionalized like rest of the industries, management education plays critical role in sharpening the management practices through process, strategy and delivery
  • Institutions who have infra structure to impart decisive leadership skills
  • Institutions whose alumni are contributing to the welfare of farming
  • Institutions who have dedicated courses / Executive development programs on agri / rural sector can apply
Bio Agri Inputs
  • PGPR that increases the crop yield
  • Solves abiotic challenges of the crops
  • Helps farm produce to be better than existing output in terms of produce quality and higher yield out put
Company of the Year


  • A company which is overall appreciated by all stakeholders
  • It gives an entire range of agrochemicals
  • Has immense brand pull
  • Works closely with the research and development community
  • Educates farmer with good application practices
  • Serves farming community with utmost solutions
  • Has pan India presence
CSR / Stewardship initiative
  • A company that has either spent money on better farming practices awareness, or any other initiative that has benefitted farmers in particular or society at large in specially rural areas.
  • Company or group that has helped farming community in education of safe and right use of pesticides
Digital Farming Technology
  • Companies that have leveraged the digital space by offering simple and easy to use tools to the farmers, distribution channel

Award for the Best Drone Company/Individual is open to a range of individuals and companies who are championing the positive drone use in  Agriculture. 

A company which is:

  • A Drone specialist transforming Agriculture
  • Has pure innovation and groundbreaking technology to solve & Support Agriculture
  • Startups using drone technology for creative solutions in agriculture,
  • and large corporations driving innovation.
Emerging Company
  • A company which has been able to take the business to a scalable height in less than 5 years
  • A company which has displayed great potential to become successful players in local and international marketplace.
  • A company that might have raised from their current position by restructuring and turning around their businesses.
Formulation innovation
  • A research-based company
  • Molecule launched could be a standalone chemical formulation or a combination formulation
  • Has formal CIB registration
  • Has solved at least one difficult challenge in farmers crops
  • FPO (Farmer Producer Organisations) that have overcome various challenges, to successfully build self-sustaining businesses 
  • FPO’s that have contributed meaningfully to the member community. 
  • FPO-promoting institutions who have worked to enable the ecosystems, influence policy
  • FPO promotes sustainable and scalable models and incubates innovative solutions for the growth of farmers
Global Indian in Agriculture

An Indian origin global leader and change-makers who has contributed to agriculture in India and internationally.

Government Institute / Enterprise
  • Each government has the biggest mandate to ensure food security to feed the growing population
  • Government that helps farming in totality has succeeded in a better way
  • Government machinery is the fastest and the largest that can make things happen
  • Government policies effect the regional, global, climatic and marketing linkages
Leader with Strategic Vision
  • A leader who seared company not in growth but offered all round strategic guidance to the company
  • His / her role played critical in growing in challenging times by maintaining highest integrity
Most innovative marketing campaigns
  • A company that has remarkably addressed / solved the problem by offering innovative, integrated solution
  • Used tools of different media
  • Campaign that turned a business success
  • Investments made were well encashed and will be delivered for a long time to come
Novel Nutrient Company
  • A company that has strived hard to educate stake holders in popularising Nutrients
  • A company that has brought in novel nutrients that meet the crop nutrient hunger and has solved nutrient deficiency
  • Has helped farmers to increase the output because of their nutrient usage
  • Cost effective
Seeds - Field Crops company
  • A company which has brought in new and innovative technology seeds to the farmers with higher yields and other factors that help farmer to cultivate effectively
  • It gives farmer higher price when marketed
  • Has immense brand pull
  • Educates farmer with good package of practices for crop cultivation
  • Serves farming community with utmost solutions
Seeds - Vegetable company
  • A company which has brought in new and innovative technology seeds to the farmers with higher yields and other factors that help farmer to cultivate effectively
  • It gives farmer higher price when marketed
  • Has immense brand pull
  • Educates farmer with good package of practices for crop cultivation
  • Serves farming community with utmost solutions
  • Co-Operative societies / NGO / FPO hand hold farmers by interventions that help farmers grow more with better farm practices
  • They make farmers self-reliant
  • Work on Lab to Land programs
  • Develop and deliver projects that are funded from across the Globe
Start Up
  • A company not more than 5 years old and has made a mark by offering better crop solutions
  • Has presence in more than at least five states
  • Has plans to grow multi fold in next 3-5 years
  • A crop solution company having a break taking offering for crops
  • Solution could be from digital space, plant protection of Plant health i.e. PGPRs